Thursday, 12 July 2012

your first while loop


 *  Compilation:  javac
 *  Execution:    java TenHellos
 *  Prints ith Hello for i = 1 to 10. Illlustrates using a while loop
 *  for a repetitive task.
 *  % java TenHellos
 *  1st Hello
 *  2nd Hello 
 *  3rd Hello
 *  4th Hello
 *  5th Hello
 *  6th Hello
 *  7th Hello
 *  8th Hello
 *  9th Hello
 *  10th Hello

public class TenHellos { 
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // print out special cases whose ordinal doesn't end in th
      System.out.println("1st Hello");
      System.out.println("2nd Hello");
      System.out.println("3rd Hello");

      // count from i = 4 to 10
      int i = 4;
      while (i <= 10) {
         System.out.println(i + "th Hello");
         i = i + 1;




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